Literacy Canada Campaign
For this project I created a marketing campaign to promote reading amongst Canadians. Much to my surprise and according to the client brief, prose literacy skills amongst Canadians are lower than people expect, especially amongst the elderly. The client brief also suggested that low prose literacy skills lead to a lower income, more medical errors and potential unemployment. For this reason I came up with the headline: “Live your best life. Read.”
This headline is complimented with an Elvis impersonator, who chooses to live his best life doing live performances as Elvis. Furthermore, it is hard to convince someone who is not inherently interested in reading to start reading more often. So using an Elvis impersonator as a brand ambassador or character for the campaign provides an unexpected approach that will be memorable to viewers.
The approach I took to this campaign and design is quite different from the rest of my work, but I learned through doing this that it is important to explore new techniques and approaches.